For steam generation, cooling water system control and water treatment, the HSG 274, INDG436 and the BG04 require statutory duty holders to document all measures which are put in place to control risk.
As specialist water treatment consultants, we have developed a unique management, training and maintenance programme which allows you to undertake training and then record how and when actions have been taken to improve system performance and to control risk-welcome to our trademarked, unique and unrivalled web based vSteam® monitoring system.
Because we believe this record keeping, monitoring and control is so important, we have designed the vSteam® web portal. Originally developed for use with steam systems the vSteam® system now extends to any type of water treatment system from Cooling Towers through to heating systems and chilled water. It can further be adapted to meet the requirements of any water based system requiring data capture, collation and interpretation. This is a trademarked and unique, easy-to-use training system, interactive control panel and log-book which:
With vSteam®, you simply enter data into pre-designed forms, ensuring your records remain up-to-date. All users enabled by you on the system are then notified of any data added or comments made on that data or the system performance in general. You can download reports and graphs to show trends in performance. Issues are highlighted automatically in red or amber, with recommendations for remedial action. Once the action has taken place, this is also recorded in the log and enabled users are immediately notified, keeping all your key personnel, right up to date.
As responsible water treatment consultants, we also have access to this database to comment, recommend control measures and also to prompt you if actions have not taken place.
So how responsive can we be? Every time a record is updated, we are automatically informed via email, giving us the capability to respond urgently as required.
vSteam® is a unique, trademarked, state-of-the-art management tool, which provides total water treatment management for steam system compliance with HSE and industry standards, such as BG01, BG04 and the PSSR (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations – 2000) recommendations and guidance. To learn more about vSteam® and how it could support your water system, call us now on 0870 460 2980.
vSteam®, its registered trademark and all associated intellectual property are wholly owned by Deep Water Blue Limited-all rights reserved.